Traditional Septic System

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Traditional septic systems are pretty simple compared to aeration systems. A septic system consists of three components that must be working properly in order for the system to fuction correctly. These components are the sewer line , the septic tank, and the drainfield.

The Sewer Line

The sewer line is a pipe that leads all wastewater from the house to the tank. In Jefferson and Franklin County these lines are normally 4" in diameter. St. Louis County requires sewer lines to be 6" in diameter. Sometimes these lines can get stopped up which may cause the wastewater to back up into the house. If this occurs, King Septic can remove the clog through the use of either a cable or vacuum truck.

The Septic tank

The septic tank is an underground container where all of the wastewater from your house goes. These tanks are normally made from concrete and vary in size from 500-1500 gallons. The tank is designed so that the solid waste will settle and partially break down. Then the water exits the tank through the outlet pipe which leads to the drainfield. The tank holds all of the solid waste until it is pumped out. Septic tanks should be pumped out about every 3-4 years to preserve the life of your system. Refer to our Tank Cleaning Page for more information on maintaining your system.

The Drain Field

A drain field consists of a series of pipes that allow the water to be released into the soil. In times of heavy water use or lots of rain, you may notice wet spots in your drain field. This is because the soil is over-saturated and cannot absorb any more water causing the water to surface. Some conventional drainfields include a distribution box to control the water flow to each drain field line. Drain fields can be ruined if too much solid waste is able to escape the tank and enter the drain field. If your system is not maintained properly the drainfield, and possibly the entire system, may need to be replaced.